Domains Help Center

What are the registration requirements for registering a .PF domain?

In order to register a .PF domain, the domain owner must be an association, company or natural person.

In order to proceed with the registration of the domain, the owner must send the following documents:

- A certificate of the ISPF T.A.H.I.T.I number from French Polynesia.

Companies, registration based on trademark:
- INPI certificate of the trademark. You can apply for an INPI trademark registration with our company in the following link Register Trademark in INPI. Please notice that the name of the domain must match the name of the trademark.

Companies, registration not based on trademark:
- An ISPF certificate of registration in the Territorial Business Directory, extract from the Register of Trade and Companies. Please notice that the name of the domain must match the name of the company from French Polynesia.

- A scanned copy of French Polynesian ID.


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