.Asia is an ICANN-approved TLD and your gateway to the worldwide web in Asia and the Asia-Pacific region. As a top-level domain, .asia enables you to reach out to millions of Asian Internet users. But that’s not your only solution if you want to create a website in one of the Asian countries. You can use our Whois lookup tool above to look up domain names and information on registrants for countries in the Indian sub-continent notably India (.in), Bangladesh (.bd), Sri Lanka (.lk), Pakistan (.pk), and the Maldives (.mv) or Oriental countries like Japan (.jp) and China (.cn). Marcaria also lets you perform search for countries in the Middle East notably Iran (.ir), Iraq (.iq), Syria (.sy), UAE (.ae) and Saudi Arabia (.sa).
Using our domain name checker, you can also dig up information on Asian domain names and extensions for South-Pacific countries such as Singapore (.sg), Malaysia (.my), Indonesia (.id), Thailand (.th), Vietnam (.vn), Hong Kong (.hk), and Taiwan (.tw). You can also check domain names for Mongolia (.mn), Tajikistan (.tj), Uzbekistan (.uz), Turkmenistan (.tm), and Kazakhstan (.kz) as they are within the Asian continent. With any of the above country domains, you can reach and engage your audience in any part of Asia.