Domains Help Center

Where can I perform a Whois search of European domains?

Marcaria offers simple and reliable way to check domain names and domain ownership for European countries online. Just select the country domain you want to search from the list above and check domain name availability. Our Whois search tool will let you access the database for European ccTLDs and retrieve information on any domain. You can check available domain names and determine their statuses as well. So, why not start your domain name search here and create a unique presence in Europe?

To perform a WHOIS lookup, click on t then type inside the whois search box the URL for which you would like to retrieve information.  Each search that you perform on a European domain will retrieve the registrants name, code, administrative contacts, billing contacts, name server code, and the server hostname. Also, you will be able to determine the domain status (whether available, expired or locked) for the purposes of registration.

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