Part 3: How to Protect my Brand from Cybersquatting?
The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) is a database of trademarks established by ICANN. The TMCH registration is useful during Sunrise and Claim periods for the new generic domains (new gTLDs). Note that only registered trademarks can apply for the TMCH.
- Sunrise Period:
- Definition: is the first phase of launching of new domain names.
- Importance of Brand Protection: during this phase only trademark holders with a TMCH validation code will be able to apply for new gTLDs. Therefore, by enrolling your trademark with the TMCH you will have priority over third parties that may wish to register an identical domain name.
- Claim Period:
- Definition: the claim period follows the sunrise phase.
- Importance of Brand Protection: once the sunrise period is finished, third parties may register any domain names. By having your trademark enrolled in the TMCH, you will receive notifications if a third party is registering a domain name identical to your trademark. On the other hand, the potential registrant will also receive a warning notice saying that the domain name matches a trademark previously registered with the TMCH. can help you in submitting your trademark with the TMCH as well submitting it through the validation process. The cost is US $239/trademark.
This may sound complicated and quite tedious, but our team at can help simplify the process. We can do the trademark submission for you and take care of the whole validation process. Please fill out the form below and send it to
Any question or any confusion that needs to be clarified, please do not hesitate to contact