Domains Help Center

How can I create my website with Website Builder ( in Plesk?


Website builder is a program that helps users build a site without having any knowledge of HTML or Javascript coding. Website builder is excellent for novice web builders. You simply place pictures, text, or anything else you wish where you want them on your website and the Website builder will write all the code for you.

To start creating a website in Website Builder (

  1. Go to Websites & Domains and click the desired domain name.
  2. Select Website Builder.
  3. Select a website topic.
  4. Type the website name and select website language.
  5. Provide the information to pre-fill your website.
  6. Click Create Site and then Publish.

To return to editing a website created with Website Builder after you close the editor, go to Websites & Domains, click the domain name, select Website Builder,and then Edit Website.


How can I create a landing page?

  • If you don't have a website yet:

You can use the "Landing page" template.


How can I Transfer website content from one domain to another?

To transfer builder content from one domain to another, you need:


Save backup:

  • Open your Websites;
  • Open the builder with the original domain using "Edit Website" button;
  • Go to "Publish" button options and select "Backup/Restore" option;
  • Click "Download backup" button.

Restore backup:

  • Open the builder with the new domain using "Edit Website" button;
  • Recover a copy with "Publish" button options by selecting the "Backup/Restore";
  • Choose the restore option and Browse it from your computer;
  • Save/Publish.


How can I Save/Restore backup?


Save backup:

  • Go to "Publish" dropdown list and select "Backup/Restore" option;
  • Click "Download backup" button.

Restore backup:

  • Go to "Publish" dropdown list and select "Backup/Restore" option;
  • Switch to the "Restore" tab, click "Browse", choose downloaded backup from your computer, and click "Restore".

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